storage hierarchy

英 [ˈstɔːrɪdʒ ˈhaɪərɑːki] 美 [ˈstɔːrɪdʒ ˈhaɪərɑːrki]

网络  存储器层次结构; 存储体系; 分级存储器体系; 存储层次; 存储器体系



  1. The storage is tiered and managed as a hierarchy to optimize throughput.
  2. If users instruct DB2 to validate their XML data against a registered XML schema prior to storage, DB2 will annotate all nodes in the XML hierarchy with information about the schema types.
  3. Computer storage hierarchy mode
  4. In many systems, such as SRB ( Storage Resource Broker), hierarchical directory structure is adopted to manage metadata. There are some simple facets because of the hierarchy and single frame characters of metadata.
  5. The HSM ( Hierarchical Storage Management) architecture is adopted for storage management, including the storage management of RDBMS; The Memory Hierarchy of Information Resource to Realize Management of Information Lifecycle
  6. It brings forward and analyses three kinds of storage strategies for class hierarchy, and adopts "Mapping each class to one table which includes the attributes inherited from the parent class" as the strategy for the system implementation.
  7. Extensible Storage Structure of Multi-dimensional Data Based on Hierarchy
  8. Compress Storage Method of Data Cube Based on Dimension's Hierarchy
  9. In the environment of clustered video server, the advantage of adopting hierarchical storage architecture is its ability to assign the appropriate storage hierarchy to each program based on its locality of access.
  10. Based on the above works, the distance education resource warehouse is improved in this thesis by adding the storage and management of media material metadata and learning content hierarchy graph;
  11. Improved method of parallel construction and storage for high-dimensional hierarchy aggregate Cube
  12. Hierarchial storage ( hierarchy) for high quality Chinese fonts and its transfer control
  13. The memory structure constructed by IME is an open storage structure, which can implement some properties of memory such as hierarchy, semantics, dynamics, and fuzziness, and provides the necessary information for associative memory mechanism based on this memory structure.
  14. Concerning the characteristics of the bridge structural monitoring, this dissertation presents a data storage algorithm based on the cluster hierarchy.
  15. A typical CMP ( Chip Multi-Processor) architecture often has a shared L2 cache and lower storage hierarchy. Sharing the L2 cache allows high cache utilization and avoids duplicating cache hardware resources.
  16. In order to decreasing the computing, storage, and communication overhead, this paper presents a hierarchy group key management scheme based on the logic key tree.